Value Change Initiative

Co founded by SustainCERT and Gold Standard, the Value Change Initiative is a multi-stakeholder forum bringing together some of the world’s largest companies, leading civil society actors and internationally recognized climate frameworks to collectively focus on defining best practice for Scope 3 emission reductions and removals at scale.

It is a forum for practitioners that identifies barriers to scaling value chain action, proposes and tests practical solutions, and publishes guidance on the consensus generated.


No company can solve Scope 3 on its own. The Value Change Initiative provides a forum to share challenges, learn from peers, and collectively define guidance and innovative solutions to meet Net-Zero Targets.

  • Deliver on your climate commitments and Net-Zero targets
  • Build capacity and deepen your understanding of how to address Scope 3
  • Share experiences from the field and learn from peer organizations
  • Be at the forefront of corporate climate action and help define best practice
  • Set and achieve ambitious targets.